Challenges in leadership are usually of two kinds: either they come with hair on top, i.e. are people problems, or they have to do with managing organizational complexity (strategy, structures, systems, culture). Often, they are a mixture of both since the two areas are interdependent. Therefore, in my coaching, I take a systemic perspective integrating the two approaches as needed by the situation.
Therefore, in my coaching I take a systemic perspective integrating the two approaches as needed according to the situation. Some coaching sessions are pure strategy coaching, others focus much more on the personal side of things. It varies and depends entirely on what the client wants and needs to work on.
My coaching work rests on three pillars:
- First of all, I have been there myself. My own leadership experience ranges from being Vice President at a University to managing a startup, from leading dynamic consulting teams to making things happen in large organizations. I have managed turnarounds, growth processes, building new businesses, and improving established ones and thereby accumulated a wealth of experiences I draw on. I have seen the challenges. I have been in the trenches myself. I know what it feels like. I had my own share of losing – and creating wins too. And I learned a lot along the way.
- Secondly, my coaching work is inspired by and draws tools from a broad range of psychological research and practice, such as Humanistic Psychology (in particular Carl Roger’s work), Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (in particular David D. Burns and Aaron T. Beck), NLP, and Robert Kegan’s work on the evolution of self, change and meaning making and Psychosynthesis. About three times a year I attend a week-long retreat in the Alps, do supervision and ensure that I cleanse soul and mind myself. I continuously upgrade my knowledge and skill base.
- Last but not laest, I have been Leadership Professor at a Russel Group University (University of Liverpool) and am well acquainted with the cutting-edge research on leadership and strategy.
How does it work?
We start with the reason for you searching out coaching. Usually, there is a pain or a challenge. From there it can develop in very different directions and in very different ways, there is not one pre-determined path or approach or length or rhythm. We just work till your challenge is mastered. That also means we will only make two or three appointments at a time and not plan through the entire year.
Often the coachee does not really know what is behind the challenge or behind the pain that makes him or her move. Potentially it can be resolved quickly, but it can take a bit more time too. And often the goal you start out with is not what you end up working on.
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